9 Top Knowledge Managers to Follow on Twitter in 2019

6 min readDec 28, 2018


Where’s the gain of having all the knowledge in your company if not used effectively?

The need for Chief Learning Officers (CLO) is on the rise and expected to grow exponentially.

Knowledge management (KM) is the process of creating, sharing, using and managing the knowledge and information of an organization. Knowledge managers are there to make the best use of knowledge in the process of achieving organizational objectives.

If you want to integrate knowledge resources in your company, improve talent development programs, innovate collaboration processes, or just learn more about knowledge management, keeping up with top industry influencers is the way to go.

In today’s online information abundance, finding a valuable source is a real challenge. But don’t worry, we have prepared a list of knowledge management experts that will inspire you to make a difference. Make sure to follow these guys on Twitter in 2019.

David Gurteen

David helps people share their knowledge and learn from each other. His focus is on innovation and effectiveness as the way to make a difference.

In his teachings, David emphasizes that the focus on learning a bunch of stuff is one of the main problems in our educational systems. He says that people should learn from themselves rather than be filled with lots of information.

An interesting quote from David’s blog: “The correct analogy for the mind is not a vessel that needs filling, but wood that needs igniting.”

Gurteen Knowledge is a great resource of David’s work, teachings, services he offers, and his invaluable experience. Also, make sure to follow him on Twitter at @DavidGurteen for industry tips and insights from experts.

Dave Snowden

Dave is a founder and chief scientific officer of Cognitive Edge, founded with the aim to utilize insights from scientific disciplines in social systems. His work is mostly international and covers complex issues related to strategy and decision making processes in organizations.

Dave is a keynote speaker on a variety of industry topics and a holder of numerous awards for his work.

Follow Dave on Twitter at @snowded to learn from his approach to knowledge management.

Jenny Dearborn

Jenny is a thought leader in the human capital management and the author of Data Driven Leader and Data Driven, among highest-ranked books in the US in 2015. She is a regular contributor to industry news media and a proud holder of numerous industry awards for her work and contribution.

Jenny is responsible for the success and talent development of 90,000 individuals worldwide employed at SAP, the world’s largest B2B software company where she has the role of a Chief Learning Officer.

Find Jenny on Twitter at @DearbornJenny and get regular updates about her work. You can also learn more news and information from Jenny at her website.

Vala Afshar

Vala is the chief digital evangelist for Salesforce. He is the author of The Pursuit of Social Business Excellence and considered a pioneer in cloud computing, social collaboration, business intelligence and customer relationship management.

Vala is a regular contributor to technology, business and leadership topics to Huffington Post, INC Magazine, and other publications. His book, The Pursuit of Social Business Excellence, received excellent reviews in Forbes.

Find Vala on Twitter at @ValaAfshar and join a quarter million people in following the latest digital business and innovation market trends.

David Ballard

David is the head of APA’s Center for Organizational Excellence and Psychologically Healthy Workplace Program. The areas of his in-depth knowledge include talent management, work-life balance, psychology, rewards and recognition, employee engagement and efforts, performance and promotions.

With more than 13 years of experience in successfully promoting employee well-being and organizational excellence, David is an invaluable source of information related to the happy and healthy workplace.

Find David on Twitter at @DrDavidBallard to get more knowledge resources, recommendations and industry tips, followed by 22k+ accounts.

Ian Thorpe (not the swimmer)

Ian is working to foster a culture and practice of knowledge sharing and use in UNICEF. He has over 25 years of experience with the UN, EU and British Government, and currently leads a team responsible for the development and implementation of an organization-wide approach to learning and knowledge exchange.

Ian is facing a challenge to share knowledge internally and externally because tools and systems are not set up in a way to best support these processes, he says in his blog.

Read Ian’s page to learn about his experiences as he tries to overcome the mentioned obstacles. Also, make sure to follow him on Twitter at @ithorpe for regular news and updates.

Euan Semple

Euan is a public speaker, writer, and consultant. He is helping people in organizations find each other, learn from each other and use those connections to improve their efficiency and increase the ability to innovate.

Ian has seven years of unique experience working with organizations such as BP, The World Bank, and NATO to help them transform their organization by use of social media as a business tool.

Euan is the author of Organizations don’t tweet, people do, a manager’s guide to the social web. He is also a speaker at many events and workshops around the world.

Euan’s website offers more information about his services and past experiences, while his Twitter profile at @euan, followed by 10K+ people covers industry news and trends.

Mary Abraham

Mary is a co-founder of Broadli Inc, the app created with a goal to digitize the serendipity that happens when you meet that exact right person at the exact right time.

Apart from being an entrepreneur, Mary speaks at conferences, writes at Above and Beyond KM, organizes workshops and helps for-profit and nonprofit organizations find new ways to collaborate and share knowledge.

If you plan to create a strategic use of knowledge or just want to improve internal collaboration in your organization, make sure to follow Mary’s tweets at @VMaryAbraham for pro tips.

Alice MacGillivray

Alice helps people in organizations and communities gain new insights, adapt to changing environments, lead and learn. She has a Ph.D. in systems and works with leadership, knowledge, and complexity. She is also the author of Riding Horseback in Purple.

Inspired by natural systems, Alice approaches her work by using principles from nature. She says that a more ecosystem-like workplace can have many benefits.

Learn more from Alice by reading her blog and following her on Twitter at @4KM.

Originally published at blogin.co.




Written by BlogIn

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